Monday, July 28, 2014

Homemade Toothpaste

Around Christmas time last year, I followed a really straightforward recipe I found online for homemade toothpaste. My mother liked it, and I liked it, but most of the younger ones didn't. I guess I'd gotten used to brushing with straight baking soda, so the strong presence of that ingredient didn't bother me so much.

That said, this toothpaste may not be as pleasant as a store-bought tube, but it is so much healthier, simpler, and does a good job of freshening your mouth right up... plus whitening! Fluoride free, chemical free, and made with the common ingredients in your kitchen.

You'll Need:

8 tablespoons baking soda
8 tablespoons coconut oil
3 packets Stevia
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract

And that's it- mix it up!

Since the texture of coconut oil changes with the temperature of its storage area, your toothpaste may change consistency as well. It won't become liquid like the oil itself, but it will be very soft if kept in the bathroom while someone's bath water is fogging up everything. Likewise it will be hard when cold. Keep it at the temperature that best suits you, and reserve a spoon for application to a toothbrush. (Don't be like a certain woman I know and just stick your toothbrush in... then no one else wants to use it!! XD )

Of course I had to run out in the rain and pick some actual peppermint leaves to make this look all artsy... wouldn't it be nice to someday be able to make my own essential oils? 

Happy brushing. :)

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