Friday, July 11, 2014

Black Cap Picking

Today we went searching for black caps. Goat-milk pale and basket in hand, Mama, the little boys, Ella and I, left the Kubota on the path and walked around the perimeter of the cornfield to the heifer pasture. It's just the beginning of black cap season...

The first bushes were all in a tangle along the fence with some of the tallest thistles ever. Luckily, Landon and Jonathan brought their wooden "swords" and slew a few. There was some over-under fence crawling or jumping, but we did our best to lift leaves and pull away thorns to uncover most of what was plump and ripe. 

So many are still red! The next week will be full of black, juicy berries. 

Wild berries in a home-made pie. ^_^


  1. Doing things like this, hiking out for berries and putting them into a pie an hour later, are "Almanzo" moments to me: affirmations of the idea that 'a good farm should produce everything one really needs, to live.' And who doesn't need pie? :-)
