
In the Garden

I've heard it said that a clean desk is the sign of a messy career. 
Well, I think that a perfect garden is the sign of a frazzled mind. You constantly go outside to tend to something you do have control over, you pick and toss weeds like you wish you could pick and throw problems, and you arrange things in perfect order the way you would if life were so easily disciplined... see more...

Slugs in the Garden

Recently, I've noticed some problems with my marigolds... all their leaves are getting eaten off! 
The reason I have marigolds in the first pace is to keep rabbits and critters out of the garden, and they've been doing their job well. But the poor little things are suffering attacks of another kind. 
They went from these lush-green fronds to these poor naked stalks... see more...

Goats: Meet Alyssum and Sweetheart

On Monday, Mama and I drove to pick up our new goats!
Friday, we had gotten the outer enclosure all set for them by driving stakes into the ground and tying the fence pieces together, and she had been busy preparing the interior of the chicken coop to her taste. 
Well, after a struggle to get the mama goat into the crate up in the truck, we were all set. The baby rode home on my lap... see more...

Rock Picking

It's a rock-picking kind of day...
We went around the field strips in the Kubota, picking up rocks, while Daddy did the tractor work. Corn is going to get planted here today or tomorrow... see more... 

New Kittens

Alice is a mommy again. Ella found her kittens yesterday in the haymow... see more...

The First Harvests

In the past, I've always had trouble with lettuce tasting bitter and gritty. So I started growing spinach, and now I really prefer that. But I wanted to at least try lettuce again this year, so I read the descriptions in the seed catalog pretty closely and went for the types that were described as sweet or tender. I haven't been disappointed, either... see more...

Black Cap Picking

Today we went searching for black caps. Goat-milk pale and basket in hand, Mama, the little boys, Ella and I, left the Kubota on the path and walked around the perimeter of the cornfield to the heifer pasture. It's just the beginning of black cap season... see more...

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