Sunday, June 29, 2014

The First Harvests

Dill, lettuce, and catnip. I already blogged about the dill-drying.
Yesterday I picked a whole bunch of lettuce.

Pablo and Mantilia are my varieties this year. The Pablo is the redder type, and Mantilia is the springy green.

In the past, I've always had trouble with lettuce tasting bitter and gritty. So I started growing spinach, and now I really prefer that. But I wanted to at least try lettuce again this year, so I read the descriptions in the seed catalog pretty closely and went for the types that were described as sweet or tender. I haven't been disappointed, either. I drizzled ranch dressing over one helping, and it was delicious. They're both good, pleasant lettuces. 

Pablo Lettuce

Mantilia Lettuce

I pulled up several clumps that were bursting out of their pallet rows, twisted off the roots, and washed them separately. The goats were happy to get all the little loose leaves afterwards. After the lettuce dried, I stuck it in a plastic bread bag and it went in the refrigerator. 

We'll make lots of salads this year... :P

I won't pull up all of the lettuce plants. I'll let some of each kind grow up and bolt, so I can save seeds for next year. I actually just found out how to save carrot seeds, and found out some really cool stuff. I'll share that in due time, too.

Next we have catnip...

 I want to dry a whole bunch of this to give my barn cats in the winter, or stick in a sock toy for the kittens. 

After you cut it, it wilts fast. I got a couple of clumps and used the same paper bag method as with the dill. I didn't cut the slits so big, though. Enough to give it a little air. 

Its supposed to be kept dark, dry, and warm. When it gets crisp, I can rub all the leaves off and keep it in a jar.

After finishing the siding job with my grandpa the other day, we came home and went up on the hill with him. I found a couple of old- yet salvageable- buckets in the dump in the woods. I can use them for planters... and I have a couple pepper plants Owen started that need homes. (Dork moment: I referred to them as "Pepper Pots" and then realized I had named Tony Stark's girlfriend.)

Mama found me this little sign at Joann's, 90% off. :3

Alyssum is growing and thriving, as his her namesake. ;)

Mama's flowers along the chicken coop are gorgeous...

Everything is sprouting, blossoming, and ripening. It truly is amazing to be able to watch it, use it, and learn more. My appreciation grows. 

Siding A House

Since Spring, Emma and I have been helping Grandpa re-side his house in Whitestown. Goodness, we've learned a lot! The job took quite a while because near the end he decided to extended the roof, delaying the project a few weeks. On Thursday, we finally finished the two peeks. And the job is done. It looks great!

It went from a light green to this mist color. First the old siding came off, then the cardboard insulation, followed by prying off all the old shingles. Then the new insulation went up, the windows got fixed, and the siding was replaced. Em and I have officially "graduated nailing school." 

And I've certainly gotten a few hours of driving in, all added up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Drying Dill

The dill was the first thing in my garden to get going this year (all on its own), and so it's way ahead of everything but the catnip. Well, before it gets too tall and stocky, it's time to harvest and dry it. 

I started with three clumps of the tallest dill. Ella kindly loaned me a couple of her bracelet rubber bands to hold the stems together at the ends. 

I'm using brown paper bags because Mama was saying how she didn't like drying dill and ending up with it all brown. I read online that being in the paper bag will keep sunlight from bleaching it, and also keep off dust. 

The dill needs a lot of air flow, though, to prevent mildew. I cut slits in the bottom. 

Slip the dill into the bag, up-side down. At first, I tried to staple the stem end to the bag to keep it closed and all held together, but that doesn't quite do the job, unless your clumps are much smaller. Instead, take a toothpick and start a couple holes through each side on both sides of the dill, then feed a twisty-tie through to secure it and close the bag. 

This is what it should look like...

The dill is supposed to hang for around two weeks or until brittle to the touch, in a dry warm place. My room works. I bound the three bags to a wooden ladder with pipe-cleaner. 

This was all two days ago... and then yesterday, when I went to the Goodwill with my Grandma and Emma, look what I found!

Old fashioned nails and everything; it's too cute. So the next time I dry herbs, I'll try some tiny clumps hanging from this. 


Update: See the results!

Monday, June 23, 2014

New Kittens

Alice is a mommy again. Ella found her kittens yesterday in the haymow...

She made a home out of this discarded box next to a few hay bales. It's hard to believe she can fit in it! But cats and boxes are a thing, I guess. Where there's a will, there's a way. 

Three little cuties. ^_^
Their eyes are still closed, and we're resisting the urge to touch them... it's hard.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Picking Rocks

It's a rock-picking kind of day...
We went around the field strips in the Kubota, picking up rocks, while Daddy did the tractor work. Corn is going to get planted here today or tomorrow. 

We probably shouldn't have been having as much fun as we were. :P
But it always turns out like that.

This is Ella's creepy face...

(Thanks to Emmy for most of those photos. ^)

I seriously live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

 Ah, Litchfield, God shed his grace on thee.