Friday, June 6, 2014

Return to Blogging

As is my specialty, I have been blog procrastinating again.
This reminds me of something Emma and I were saying a few days ago. I believe it went something like... "The most expert procrastinator in the world would be someone who is constantly busy- they've managed to procrastinate on procrastination itself." :P
But I decided at the beginning of June to take a complete break from Facebook. My days have been full and busy since, and it truly has felt good. While non-internet things have been my priority because of that, I haven't done much online except email... and a tad of Pinterest. But I think it would be a good time to get back into blogging! I do have some posts on my mind, so hopefully now I will be able to sit down and write out and organize all these lengthy tidbits. ;)

The view from the field on Cedarville and Birdseye Roads when we took a walk yesterday.

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