Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rainy Day Fashion

So, here it is a rainy mid-morning, and I have slid back into my camouflage pajama pants and Doctor Who t-shirt (yeah, homeschooling!) after barn chores, now occupying myself with girly things such as throwing together collages of my favorite clothes. These are all taken from my Pinterest board, Dress and Hair Tastes.

Can we all just go back this era?

With maybe some Medieval thrown in there as well?

My hair is currently almost to my waist. If it were straightened, I think it would be there. But I keep it braided 90% of the time, so it's always more or less wavy. :)

And if we could all bring back vintage footwear like these, I might actually be more into shoes. Sigh! 

I have several different tastes that shift with the mood of a certain day or season. I love vintage above all, but country and plaid get me all the time, colonial or pioneer, and Medieval catches me up in a whole other world. 

Now, I will go spend this day reading Emma by Jane Austen and awaiting a visit from my good friend, Aleena~

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