Wednesday, January 7, 2015

For the Love of Winter

It is so easy to complain about Winter... the darkness and cold press in and keep us indoors, feeling like we've been cooped up for so long. When will Spring come!
Well, with still a few months of chilly weather to go, let's make the best of it. :)
So here is my personal list of things I love about Winter- you know- those little magical moments and moods that you can't get any other time of the year. 

Feel free to contribute, and let's love Winter together. 

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Thick tendrils of lazy wood smoke drifting up into a gray sky...

The ruckus of crows and a swarm of their ruffled jet-black feathers as they congregate 
in the bare branches of a gnarled tree, scanning a snowy field... 

A spontaneous trudge through the drifts after a snowstorm,
Wandering, wading, breath puffing, seeing the world 
has changed coats in the mere course of a day.

Mittens, scarves, fuzzy socks and flannel shirts...

Staring up at falling flakes in the dark as they flurry about you, and feeling 
like you're racing through a star-field in outer space...  

Peering through warmly lit windows from 
the outside.

Frostbitten stars gleaming in a cold, clear empyrean...

Snowflakes gathered in piles on a windowpane from the outside...

Finding Jack Frost's intricately frozen artwork 
on a frigid glass tapestry in the morning.

That sharp breath of unexpectedly peppery winter air that zings through your lungs...

Cheerful tiny sparrows frolicking in snowy branches as morning sun rises...

...Frosty whiskers on the cows and their steamy 
breath while coming inside to milk.

Gorgeous, vivid sunrises that not only grace the horizon, but envelope the entire sky.

Cold wooden floor boards under my feet in the morning, 
soothed by slippers...

Daddy's boot prints in the snow, imprinted with smaller feet that had to jump to fill his strides.

Hot tea steaming in the air...

Twinkling soft Christmas lights...

Trips to Grandma's house.

Finding little rabbit or mouse trails in the drifts, 
and wondering what they were busy with this morning...

Candle scents of pine, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sugar cookies...

Being tucked into a cozy bed at night and hearing distant snowmobilers, and being all the more grateful for my current state of warmth...

Feeling the wind moan in the walls and knowing I'm safe from harm. 

Practicing my handwriting on the foggy window-glass. 

The first snow...

...the smile I get with the thought of someone that first snow brings to mind. 

Hot cocoa topped with whipped cream or melted marshmallows, 
and sprinkled with peppermint candy dust... 
in my favorite mug. 

Hot soup and warm, buttered bread.

Unexpected, welcome visitors. 

The satisfaction looking at a large pile of split, stacked wood. 

When the trees are encased in ice and the sun glitters through the prisms. 

Glorious sunsets that dance in the clouds- streams of light, color, and majesty.