I have wanted to go through the definition of Love found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 for some time, and really dissect each meaning. I'm not writing sermons, just small anecdotes for each subject, expressing my views and finding a way to write with them.
Another exercise I would like to take up is writing small persuasive paragraphs inspired by many songs I hear on the radio daily. They make me think. I'd like to share the songs and do a short write-up along with them. We'll see where it goes.
But for now, let's begin with the first installment of Red Grace: Love...
Love is... Patient.
As for our second definition, Patience is the ability to remain placid and understanding in frustrating situations. Patience is perseverance under pressure, and the willingness to do so. Coping with opposition, instructing a frustrated child, remaining willing to listen and understand when a person or situation completely confuses you: these are times our patience is tried, and times when this fruit- or the lack there of- in a person is most evident. Patience is the drive to teach, to learn, and to wait, all with meekness and humility.
But there is a third definition we may overlook in this case, because our minds are focusing on the verbal part of being patient. What about being a patient? When you are a patient, you are under the care of a doctor or healer, someone who is looking after you and nursing you back to health. Your body is being strengthened and rested, being prepared for the return to health and every-day life.
When you are patient, you become a patient. God is working in you to heal your hurts, to bind your wounds, and to prepare you for what is ahead. Unlike a physical doctor, you are not being mended back to how you were: you are being built up even better than before. You are surrendered to His care, to let yourself be molded and shaped and infused with all you will need in the journey ahead. There are many things over that next hill in the road, and we must admit to ourselves that we can never fully know or be completely prepared when we rely on our own knowledge and strength. There is always a way that we deem right, that makes sense to us, and it is often our downfall, for we make no allowance for the bumps and wrinkles that we did not plan on. When something goes wrong, we are thrown completely off track and search for someone to blame. And that is usually God.
Patience is an element of Love. God is Love. And, oh, how patient He really is with us. Can we not stop and grant Him the same courtesy? The results are only good.
We should to be patient, not rush ahead. We should be patients, committed to God's care and fashioning so that every step of the way is guided by Him.
In some versions of the Bible, instead of "Love is Patient," we hear "Charity {Love} suffereth long". Patience is endurance. It is denial of self and strife, it is the "no" to the ill urges of the world, the personal desire of satisfaction in the coveted moment of NOW. It is self-control and sacrifice of "my way".
What else do we often see defined as sacrifice? Love is Sacrifice. Like a math problem, we work the numbers backwards to make sure our result connected with our original value. It works right back around in a circle, a proof. It checks out!
Patience- true patience- is thus an act of true Love.
Well, that came out longer than I intended.
Please leave me a comment, let me know what you think. And if I said anything wrong or left something out, correction is welcome.